20230401 143746
Singing Happy Birthday
20230718 233317
First family photo
20230718 212852
First measurements
20230720 165414
First nap in the new crib
20230719 222634
Formula feeding in the hospital
20230719 222700
Formula feeding in the hospital
20230722 143830
Meeting Grandma for the second time (after day one in the hospital)
20230722 143649
Meeting Grandpa for the first time
20230722 143652
Meeting Grandpa for the first time
20230722 143627
Meeting Grandpa for the first time
20230721 220750
The cradle really shows just how tiny she is.
20230722 143159
Grandma and Grandpa’s first introduction
20230723 190933
Milk smiles
20230723 191233 1
Milk smiles
20230724 095120
Hand self soothing
20230725 093516
Milk coma
20230725 165105
Being held by cousin Bekah
Being held by cousin Bekah
20230726 143511
First visit to Grandma's and Grandpa's house
20230726 143614
First visit to Grandma's and Grandpa's house
20230726 143451
First visit to Grandma's and Grandpa's house
20230726 192621
Norah naturally has the “Gardner look”
20230726 192712
This child is a baby bird
20230726 192628
This child is a baby bird
20230726 201117
Sweet cheeks
20230727 180752
First milestones every day…
20230730 144414
Meeting Grammy and Grampy for the first time
20230730 142703
Meeting Grammy and Grampy for the first time
Hiccups on Papa's Chest
20230731 134632
Meeting cousin Jane and uncle Ben
20230731 134546
Meeting cousin Jane and uncle Ben
20230731 133853
Being held by cousin Jane
20230801 203011
Tiny sneezes
20230802 111937
Joining the 7lb club at last!
20230802 140119
Heavy eyelids
20230803 175711
So expressive
20230803 175629
More expressions
Card carrying member of the bellybutton club
20230731 133549
Meeting cousin Jane
20230805 144855
Holy hail, Batman
20230805 214528
So sleepy...
20230807 225314
Sleeping beauty
20230811 114516
Norah's first proper sponge bath
20230818 163915
Norah's one month birthday
20230818 163813
Norah's one month birthday
20230822 121339
Bath time Smiles
20230806 092542 1
Pout face
Morning smiles
20230829 154615
20230830 111055
Socializing with Mama
20230909 114853
Table time
20230919 154052
Norah's two month birthday
20230919 154556
Norah's two month birthday
20230927 174158
Chilling on the table
20230928 183514
Chatting with Mama
20230923 081612
Talking to the chair
20230921 120914
Tummy Time
20231004 171152
Surprised by Sammy
20231006 181213
An interview
20231013 153425
Playing around
20231015 175157
Norah's first giggles
IMG 5596
Norah’s three month birthday
IMG 5602
Norah’s three month birthday
20231022 131421
Crinkle book with Papa
20231022 182658
Hmmm hmmm
Zonked after a good feed
20231028 171926
20231029 182020
The sunshine baby
20231029 084820
First time seeing snow.
20231029 084554
Snowy Good Morning
20231030 102538
Got your nose
20231031 113505
First Halloween
20231031 111804
First Halloween
20231101 164836
Excuse me while I kiss the sky
20231031 190054
Norah's first Halloween
20231102 113532
Able to do tummy time right after manual therapy
20231104 100903
Yay Air force bow
20231101 181558
Bedtime Story by Norah
20231106 140238
Happy Halloween from Grandma and Grandpa Gardner
20231107 163705
Norah loves mirrors
20231118 100451
Norah’s four month birthday
20231118 100511
Norah’s four month birthday
20231118 100422
Norah’s four month birthday
IMG 5661
Norah’s four month birthday
IMG 5735
Norah’s four month birthday
20231114 170106
Trying out the new tummy time sensory bags
20231123 102330
Happy Thanksgiving from Grandma and Grandpa Gardner
20231123 135746
Papa finally got a laugh out of Norah!
20231114 140816 1
Chatty Girl
20231123 140206
Funny Daddy
20231127 172546
First time seeing a lit Christmas tree
20231128 144921
Mama tickles and giggles
20231204 172642
Enough hair now for a bath mohawk!
20231205 132211
Norah and Mama's day out while the roof is replaced
20231205 131058
Norah and Mama's day out while the roof is replaced
20231205 131005
Norah and Mama's day out while the roof is replaced
20231205 130737
Norah and Mama's day out while the roof is replaced
20231205 132437
Norah and Mama's day out while the roof is replaced
Daddy Daughter Day while momma was away
20231212 140226
Candy Cane Cackles
VideoCapture 20231218-134930
Norah's five month birthday
20231218 134004
Norah's five month birthday
20231218 134019
Norah's five month birthday
20231218 134018
Norah's five month birthday
20231226 124206
Watching Sammy be a nut outside
20231226 124342
Watching Sammy be a nut outside
20231224 153853
practicing sitting
20231218 104029
Meeting Santa
20231226 170718
Silly Sammy
20231227 141715
Sweet Cheeks
20231227 150516
Sitting in a highchair like a big girl
IMG 5770
We were nearly forced to make this our Christmas photo
20231228 170632
Helping Mama with laundry
20231230 085820
Exploring solid food for the first time!!
20231230 090808
Exploring solid food for the first time!!
20231230 090852
Exploring solid food for the first time!!
20231231 154133
Merry Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa Gardner
20240101 164109
Thank you Great Uncle Brian!
20240118 221218
Norah’s six month birthday
20240219 150534
Norah’s seven month birthday
20240219 104928(0)
Norah’s seven month birthday
20240219 104733
Norah’s seven month birthday
20240219 104732
Norah’s seven month birthday
20240220 110904
Norah’s seven month birthday
20240220 110857
Norah’s seven month birthday
20240220 110855
Norah’s seven month birthday
20240220 110322
Norah’s seven month birthday
1710791837972 1
Norah no longer a stationary baby
20240319 153155
Norah’s eight month birthday
20240419 104504
Norah’s nine month birthday